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It's Not Finished!

The scriptures reveal countless occasions where people were faced with impossible odds. People like Moses. With the Red Sea in front of...

His Loss, Our Gain

Parents, have you ever lost your child? Do you remember the feeling? One minute they are there right by our side, the next they're...

A Move of the Spirit

When Peter described Jesus to those gathered at Cornelius' house he said, "God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and with power and He...

I am the way, the truth and the life

The Gospel of John records many bold declarations made by Jesus. Declarations like: I am the bread of life - Jn 6:35 I am the light of...

Seeing Salvation

Ever had to wait for something for what seems like forever? A promotion? Your wedding day? The arrival of a child? Luke 2 introduces...

A Divine Rescue Mission

What are the chances that hundreds of years prior to your birth, people would be talking about you? But not just talking about you,...

COVID-19 . . A Season of Rediscovery

Is there anything quite like it? The gathering of like-minded lovers of Jesus, who raise their voices to create a roar of praise. Is...

A Whole New World

Hi Church, Pastor Tan here - be encouraged! Church may look different, just as the world is a very different place at the moment - but...

Blog: Blog2


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