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  • Writer's picturePastor Rich & Tan

It's Not Finished!

The scriptures reveal countless occasions where people were faced with impossible odds.

People like Moses. With the Red Sea in front of him and Pharaoh’s raging army behind him, he appeared stuck.

Or how about Jehoshaphat. When opposing kings joined forces to create an army that was too big to count, he appeared doomed.

Maybe, you can relate. Maybe there is pressure in your world. Maybe it feels like the walls are closing in. Maybe the problem is so complex and confusing that you can’t see the wood for the trees. Take hope, for it is in the mess that God seems to do His best work! When favourable outcomes appear impossible, that’s when He steps in and produces a result that leaves us simply gobsmacked.

It’s easy to recognise this when we’re reclining at the banqueting table. Not so easy when we’re still in the valley. I love that song, “Raise a Hallelujah”……it’s impossible to sing it and not feel faith rise. Turn your panic into prayer and your worry into worship, because He’s working. As quickly as this storm came, it too shall pass.

When Jesus breathed his last breath and was taken from the cross and entombed, His followers must have felt lost, confused and fearful…….but little did they know that that’s not how the story ends! Your story is not finished. Right now, you might feel like this season is a major set-back, but what if it’s a major set-up? This season hasn’t been authored by God, but what if He is about to use it to display His glory in your world?

Big love, Ps Rich

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