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  • Writer's picturePastor Rich & Tan

Seeing Salvation

Ever had to wait for something for what seems like forever? A promotion? Your wedding day? The arrival of a child?

Luke 2 introduces us to a guy called Simeon. He's an older guy who loves God and he's been told by God that he won't die until he has seen the Messiah.

One day Simeon was led by the Spirit into the Temple... "coincidentally" on exactly the same day that Joseph and Mary had brought baby Jesus to the Temple to be dedicated.

We don't know how long Simeon had waited for this moment, but when he laid eyes on Jesus you get the feeling that it had been a while, for he declared with excitement:

"Sovereign Lord, now let your servant die in peace,

as you have promised.

I have seen your salvation,

which you have prepared for all people."

Luke 2:29-31

As we prepare for Easter, let's remember who it is that we are celebrating.

He wasn't just an historical figure.

He wasn't just a great teacher.

He was and is the Messiah...

the Salvation for all people!

In Him, Ps Rich

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